Farmers love cows: image campaign for young farmers or commercial message for dairy sales?
Posted: February 5, 2025 | Author: Karin Verzijden | Filed under: Advertising, alternative protein, Authors, cultivated meat, Food | Tags: Advertizing | Comments Off on Farmers love cows: image campaign for young farmers or commercial message for dairy sales?The Dutch Dairy Organisation (NZO) launched a campaign starring young farmers. This initiative took shape through a website and a TV commercial. It was however not entirely clear if the primary purpose of this campaign was to boost the image of young farmers or to boost dairy sales. In a decision provided at the end of last year, the Appeal Board of the Dutch Advertising Code Committee (ACC) explains why transparency around sponsorship of a nonprofit campaign is necessary. It also clarifies when a party is considered a co-advertiser.
Under the heading “farmers love cows”, the website states, among other things, “As young farmers of the Netherlands, we would like to tell people that we take good care of our animals. You can see that in these commercials.” The TV commercial is then shown, followed by the text: “What dairy cows want”. What follows is an enumeration of cows’ wishes with pictures: “being able to walk around freely”, “always having enough water and feed”, “milked with care”, “always having fresh air” and “chilling out”. Following this, under the heading “what our farmers do” are short stories from three farmers. At the bottom of the page, it is stated “This campaign was created with the support of the NZO”. The NZO logo is provided next to this announcement.
TV commercial
The TV commercial shows images of young farmers, working on the farm, and of dairy cows, both in the barn and in the meadow. The voice-over in the TV-commercial says: “We farmers take good care of our dairy cows. They can walk around if they want to. Brush themselves if they want to. Chill out if they want to. And eat and drink when they want. They are milked with care. And there is always fresh air. See, that makes them happy. And if the cow is happy, so am I. Farmers love cows. This is a message from the Dutch Young Farmers Association.” At the end of the television commercial, both the web address of the campaign and the logo of the Young Farmers Association is mentioned.
Message on behalf of whom?
Both the website and the TV commercial are displayed by the Dutch Young Farmers Association. This is an organisation that represents the interests of agricultural young people in The Hague and Brussels, with the aim of helping them with personal and business development. However, in the background, the NZO is also involved. The website states this in so many words. In the TV commercial, this appears indirectly, namely by reference to the website of the campaign. In first instance, the ACC did not consider NZO as a co-advertiser. Wrongly, according to the complainant, because NZO was in fact instrumental in the creation of this campaign.
Image campaign for young farmers or statement on behalf of NZO?
Advertising is a broad concept, covering not only the recommendation of products and services, but also of ideas. It makes a difference to consumers’ interpretation whether these ideas are proclaimed by an idealistic or a commercial organisation. Is this an idealistic campaign to boost the image of young farmers or a commercial expression by an organisation that aims to promote dairy production and marketing on behalf of its members? If there is no clarity on the involvement of NZO, this could be interpreted as a lack of essential information. This could potentially make this campaign misleading.
Misleading campaign?
To start with the latter, the Appeal Board distinguishes between the website and the TV commercial in its assessment of whether the campaign would be misleading. Indeed, the Appeal Board rules that consumers should be informed about the commercial aspect of the message. This should prevent consumers from putting the TV commercial in the wrong context, so that they will see it exclusively as an image campaign for young farmers. If the consumer does not recognise the underlying commercial interest of NZO, what is left is a romanticised image of how young farmers treat and love cows. And it is not unlikely this will boost sales of dairy products. The Appeal Board considers it plausible that the lack of information about the fact that the campaign is (partly) a commercial expression in the interest of the dairy sector may lead the average consumer to buy dairy products, which they would not have done otherwise. Information about this interest is therefore essential information for the average consumer.
Lack of “essential information”
Because the TV commercial omits information about the involvement of NZO or other information about the underlying commercial interest, there is a lack of essential information as referred to in article 8.3 of the Dutch Advertising Code (NRC). Like the ACC, the Appeal Board rules that the campaign is unfair for that reason within the meaning of Article 7 NRC. This finding is without prejudice to the right to freedom of expression by the Young Farmers Association and NZO. They are allowed to propagate a viewpoint regarding young farmers in the television commercial but must also comply with the requirement that no unfair advertising is made. Freedom of expression as guaranteed in Article 10(2) of the European Convention on Human Rights does not imply the freedom to engage in unfair advertising.
The NRC’s provisions on unfair advertising are a direct implementation of the corresponding provisions of Dutch statutory laws on this point. It thus concerns an exception to freedom of expression provided by law. Moreover, the restriction in this case relates exclusively to the disclosure of the underlying commercial interest and not to the idea itself. NZO and the Young Farmers Association therefore fail on this point as far as the TV commercial is concerned. This does not apply to the website. The Appeal Board rules on this point that the announcement that the campaign was created “with the support of NZO” makes it sufficiently clear that the dairy industry as such is involved in and supports this campaign.
NZO co-advertiser
The NZO is closely involved in the TV commercial, as it (i) financed the production thereof, (ii) registered the domain name of the campaign website and (iii) took care of the procurement of airtime of the TV commercial. As mentioned above, promotion of dairy products should be seen as the primary objective of the campaign. With NZO on the one hand enabling the campaign and on the other hand promoting its own commercial interest, the Appeal Board sees sufficient reason to consider NZO co-responsible for the content of the TV commercial. NZO actively helped the Young Farmers Association to advertise the dairy sector. This constitutes the promotion of dairy products by or on behalf of an advertiser, whether or not with the help of third parties as referred to in article 1 NRC. This gives the NZO its own responsibility to ensure that the campaign complies with the NRC, which it failed to do. That unfair advertising is made through the TV commercial is therefore partly attributed to NZO.
What can we learn from this decision?
This decision shows that it is perfectly permissible to convey an idealistic message by or on behalf of a commercial organisation. But it must be transparent who is proclaiming this message. This lesson applies equally to conventional and alternative dairy and meat products. If manufacturers of alternative proteins conduct an idealistic campaign in which they emphasize that manufacturing their products does not involve animal suffering, it must be clear who is sending this message. These are just the rules of fair advertising, which benefit to all of us. Just like alternative protein options.
Picture sourced from the website
Advocate General opinion reversed: no meaty names ban for plant-based meat substitutes
Posted: October 7, 2024 | Author: Jasmin Buijs | Filed under: Advertising, alternative protein, Authors, clean meat, cultivated meat, Food, Information | Comments Off on Advocate General opinion reversed: no meaty names ban for plant-based meat substitutesOn 4 October 2024, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) provided its judgement in the case C-438/23 on the question whether the French national Decree limiting the use of meaty names for plant-based products is in compliance with the Food Information to Consumers Regulation (FIC Regulation). A month earlier, Advocate General (AG) Capeta rendered her opinion in this case, which we analyzed in this blogpost. While this opinion was not very promising for plant-based meat companies, the ECJ did not follow the AG and ruled that no meaty names ban can be implemented at national level. In this blogpost, we explain why, and what this all means for the alternative protein sector. For more background on the French Decree and the preliminary ruling by the ECJ, we refer to our previous blogpost on this topic.
Legal names can be set, but the French Decree does not contain legal names
The ECJ starts the motivation of its decision with acknowledging that the FIC Regulation leaves room to adopt legal names at Member State level where such do not exist at EU level. Where legal names are set, these cannot be used for products not complying with the specifications of that name. As an example, the ECJ refers to the term ‘meat’, which is legally defined as ‘the edible parts of animals’. A food not containing such parts can therefore not use the name ‘meat’, even if it is accompanied by specifying terms such as ‘vegetarian’. The same applies to milk and certain milk products, for which the legal name is laid down in the COM Regulation. Indeed, as we know well from the Tofutown decision, names such as ‘plant-based milk’ are a no-go.
According to AG Capeta, the French Decree under attack established legal names. This was done on the one hand by establishing a list of meaty names of which the use is prohibited for the designation of their plant-based counterpart (such as steak), and on the other hand by authorizing the use of certain meaty names for foods containing vegetable proteins provided that they do not exceed a certain proportion (such as cordon bleu (maximum 3,5 % vegetable protein)).
The ECJ ruled however differently. In the first place, it recalls that the French authorities themselves rejected the hypothesis that Decree No 2022-947 lays down a legal name. Therefore, the learnings from the Tofutown decision cannot be applied to the case at hand. In the second place, it also states that legal names must, according to the definition thereof in the FIC Regulation, be defined in order to designate a foodstuff. The adoption of a legal name thus means associating a specific expression with a given food. This is done by setting certain conditions, especially with regard to the composition of the food. The French Decree contains a measure prohibiting the use of certain meaty names, which are not legally defined by the Decree, for plant-based foods. This is not the same.
Use of customary and descriptive names fully harmonized
Given that there are no legal names for plant-based foods at EU level and neither in France as far as is known to the ECJ based on the file of the case, plant-based foods must be indicated by their customary name or descriptive name. Where a customary name is the accepted name of the food that does not need further explanation, a descriptive name must explain the main characteristics of the food.
Obviously, Member States cannot prevent plant-based food companies from complying with their obligation under the FIC Regulation to indicate the name of their products by using customary or descriptive names where no legal name exists. Having said that, customary and descriptive names must of course comply with the FIC Regulation and therefore not be misleading in the meaning of art. 7 thereof. As the ECJ indicates, consumers are not easily misled where the substitution of a component or ingredient of a (in this case animal-derived) food is clearly indicated in accordance with art. 7(1)(d) of, and Annex VI, Part A, point 4, to the FIC Regulation. The ECJ motivates that this set of rules also covers the situation where the composition of the food changes completely because the respective component or ingredient constitutes the only component or ingredient of the food (as is the case for e.g. a vegetarian steak). The ECJ therefore concludes that the protection of consumers from the risk of being misled by the use of meaty customary or descriptive names for foods that are fully or partly plant-based is fully harmonized by the FIC Regulation. Therefore, Member State cannot enact national measures regulating or prohibiting the use of such meaty names. The ECJ specifies that this includes that Member States cannot establish maximum permitted levels of vegetable proteins that can be contained in foods to be designated by meaty customary or descriptive names, either.
No distinction between domestic and imported products
Where the AG made in her opinion a distinction between rules covering domestic production and rules covering production abroad, this topic was no longer covered in the ECJ’s preliminary ruling. The question whether the French Decree could only apply to foods manufactured in its territory was initiated by the highest French administrative court (“Conseil d’Etat”), but became redundant since the ECJ came to the conclusion that national measures regulating or prohibiting the use of meaty names for plant-based products (other than by means of legal names) is not allowed in the first place.
We nevertheless conclude from the case that since the limitative legislation applying at a national level is not considered in conformity with Union legislation, this surely goes for national legislation applying similar restrictions on a Union level. This is justified by the fact that the ECJ recalls at the beginning of its decision the two paramount principles of Union legislation. In addition to consumer protection, this is also the smooth functioning of the internal market.
Outlook for the alternative protein sector a whole
Now the ECJ has given its interpretation of the FIC Regulation in response to the questions of the French referring court, it is now up to the latter to decide the dispute at national level in accordance with the ECJ’s preliminary ruling.
It should be noted that the ECJ’s ruling is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. This means that the prohibition to enact national measures regulating or prohibiting the use of meaty names in the absence of legal names in principle also applies to other meat analogues such as cultivated meat and those produced by precision fermentation. Having said that, these products may face other challenges, such as the question whether such products can actually be called meat (for which they must be edible parts of animals as indicated above), and to what extent the production technique used must be indicated in accordance with art. 7(1)(a) of, and Annex VI, Part A, point 1 to, the FIC Regulation. We will keep you posted!
Sustainable packaging under the PPWR: from ‘nice to have’ to ‘need to have’
Posted: September 20, 2024 | Author: Jasmin Buijs | Filed under: Advertising, Authors, Food | Comments Off on Sustainable packaging under the PPWR: from ‘nice to have’ to ‘need to have’Under the new packaging law, sustainability is no longer a ‘nice to have’ but a ‘need to have’. While companies currently distinguish themselves with recyclable and reusable packaging, this becomes the new normal under the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (‘PPWR’). The PPWR is not yet formally adopted, though informal agreement has been reached at European level on the legislative proposal that was published by the European Commission in November 2022. The new regulation is expected to enter into force later this year.
The PPWR contributes to the transition towards a circular economy and builds on the current Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive, which it will replace. The first major difference can be seen in the mechanism of the law. It is no longer a directive that imposes obligations on Member States, but directly addresses economic operators such as food businesses. This includes shops and catering establishments offering refill and reuse items. The PPWR is a comprehensive piece of legislation. In this blogpost, we list three sustainability requirements under the PPWR that food businesses will face.
One of the first sustainability requirements mentioned in the PPWR is recyclability. This goal must be achieved in two steps. From 2030 onwards, packaging must be designed to be recyclable. A list of criteria showing when this requirement is met is yet to follow. This may mean, for example, that certain hazardous substances that affect the recycling process and make the recycled material unsafe are no longer allowed in packaging. Five years later, from 2035, packaging should actually be recycled in practice. The abovementioned entry deadlines will shift in case the European Commission does not publish on time its clarifying rules as required under the regulation.
For now, food packaging intended for vulnerable groups (think about persons using medical food and baby food), among others, is exempted. For innovative packaging that cannot meet the recyclability requirements taking into account current collection and recycling methods, a temporary five-year exemption can be applied for at national level.
(2) Percentage of recycled material
Plastic packaging still contains relatively little recycled material. In view of the European circularity targets, minimum percentages are now set for this. Taking into account the limited recycling possibilities and food safety, a lower minimum percentage will apply to food packaging than to non-food packaging (namely 30% and 10% from 2030 for PET and non-PET food packaging respectively, compared to 35% from 2030 for non-food packaging). With regard to single-use plastic beverage bottles, the PPWR will replace the minimum percentage of recycled material set for such in the Single Use Plastics Directive as from 2030 (30% by that year). From 2040, the minimum percentages will be further increased for all categories.
How the percentage of recycled plastic in packaging shall be calculated exactly is still to be defined. In any case, exceptions also apply to this sustainability requirement, especially where food safety may be at stake. Packaging with a plastic part representing less than 5% of the total weight of the whole packaging unit is also exempted from the mandatory minimum percentage.
Three years after the PPWR comes into force, certain packaging may only be offered in compostable form. In contrast, other packaging may explicitly not be marketed as such, unless such packaging was subject to national compostability requirements before the date of application of the PPWR. The compostability requirement will initially apply to sticky labels attached to fruit and vegetables, and to packaging like permeable tea bags and coffee pads. Aluminum coffee capsules are thus not covered. Non-permeable coffee capsules made of other material may be accepted for composting at national level.
‘Compostable’ under the PPWR means that the packaging complies with the European standard for industrial composting (13432). However, this standard does not match real life industrial composting and will therefore be updated. Member States may as well require that the packaging complies with the standard for home composting. Needless to say, this is a tougher standard. For the time being, the Netherlands has not indicated its intention to make use of this policy freedom.
Chain responsibility
The responsibility to meet the above sustainability requirements lies primarily with manufacturers. These are the (legal) persons who manufacture packaging or a packaged product, or who have such designed or manufactured under their own name or trademark (save for some exceptions). A food company that manufactures (itself) or has manufactured (by a third party) packaged food products is therefore a manufacturer under the PPWR. Manufacturers will have to carry out a conformity assessment. In doing so, they guarantee and declare under their own responsibility that the packaging complies with the relevant provisions of the PPWR. As part of this, the manufacturer shall draw up a dossier demonstrating compliance.
Food companies importing packaging or packaged products from third countries (importers) will have the responsibility to check whether such packaging complies with the Union rules laid down in the PPWR. Should there be a suspicion that the packaging does not comply with the law, this must be corrected. Importers must in such case also inform the competent authority. To avoid misunderstandings and conflicting interests, it is recommended that food companies make contractual agreements on this with their suppliers and/or customers. This also applies to food companies that further market packaging or packaged products on the Union market (distributors). Distributors should also actively ensure that the packaging meets the labelling requirements under the PWWR. This includes facilitating the correct disposal route and combating ‘greenwashing’.
The PPWR is a dynamic legislative document. Several criteria still need to be fleshed out in secondary legislation and the PPWR leaves a lot of room for evaluation, additions and deletions (the latter especially with regard to the exemptions it currently contains). However, sitting still and waiting for more clarity is not recommended since developments are moving fast. Our advice: take stock of the current situation within your company, start talking to your suppliers and customers, and check whether current contracts need to be adjusted. And above all, evaluate which sustainability improvements can be made. Because one thing is certain: the EU needs to step up its efforts to become climate neutral by 2050.
A Dutch version of this blogpost is available at
All images are by freepik.
A drink made from monk fruit – novel food or not?
Posted: August 27, 2024 | Author: Karin Verzijden | Filed under: Authors, Food, novel food | Comments Off on A drink made from monk fruit – novel food or not?UK High Court quashes FSA decision on novelty of monk fruit decoctions
In the EU, food business operators (FBOs) have the responsibility to ensure that the food they are marketing is not unsafe. Most of the food products do not require prior market authorization, novel foods being one of the exceptions to the rule. For novel foods market authorization is granted based on an extensive safety evaluation by EFSA. If an FBO is unsure if its product / ingredient falls within the scope of the EU Novel Food Regulation, it can submit a voluntary consultation to a Member State, where the FBO intends to first market its product. The Member State competent authority will review the data submitted to establish if a history of use before 1997 can be established. In the affirmative, the product will not be considered novel. Examples of products not considered novel include pea protein concentrate and the Chinese pepper Capsicum chinense.
This blogpost covers the 19 March 2024 decision of the UK High Court on the novelty of a monk fruit decoction evaluated during a national consultation. This procedure was initiated by Guilin GFS Monk Fruit Corporation (Guilin GFS) against a joint decision of the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) and the Food Standards Scotland (FSS). Guilin GFS is a world leader producer and manufacturer of monk fruit decoctions, having a 50 % global market share. Monk fruit is a small sub-tropical melon originating from China. Monk fruit decoctions can be applied to a wide range of foods and drinks as a sweetener and is popular for its low-calorie profile.
Figure 1 monk fruit image taken from the movie shown at
Applicable test and EC Guidance
After Brexit, the United Kingdom has maintained the EU Novel Food Regulation. Therefore, this decision is also of relevance for EU Member States. Under this applicable framework, the relevant test is whether monk fruit decoctions were used for human consumption to a significant degree in the EU or in the UK prior to 1997 (so-called history of consumption or HoC test). To adduce proof of a HoC, guidance can be taken from the Commission Guidance on Consumption to a Significant Degree dating back to 1997 (EC Guidance). In this context, it is important to note that the EC Guidance itself recognizes the difficulties of proof of significant use by the passage of time. It explicitly states that the examples of use are by no means exhaustive.
Evidence adduced
To meet the test on a HoC, Guilin GFS had adduced substantive evidence, including the following.
- Certificates of origin re. the export of processed foods monk fruits from mainland China to the UK during the period of 1998 – 2000;
- Evidence from a qualitative study from 2018 comprising face to face interviews with 71 participants in the UK and the EU demonstrating that processed foods containing monk fruits were sold in the EU / UK prior to 1997;
- Evidence from over 1.000 questionnaires as part of a quantitative population sample study from 2020 in the UK amongst people from Chinese descent re. their purchases of processed monk fruit;
- A survey in UK / EU supermarkets re. the types of monk fruit products sold before 1998;
- Signed declarations from restaurant owners, FBOs and the London Chinatown Chinese Association attesting the sale and / or consumption of monk fruit decoctions in the UK / EU prior to 1997.
FSA and FFS decision and rationale
On 8 September 2022, FSA and FFS rendered the decision that Guilin GFS did not meet the HoC test (the Decision). FSA and FFS considered the evidence too small in samples and none of this evidence hit the box of “Very Good Evidence”. This is the type of evidence referred to in Table 3 to the EC Guidance reproduced below. The table at stake contains examples of evidence that might be adduced to meet the HoC test, such as invoices detailing the sale of the food product at stake, including evidence of large quantities of the sale in the EU (“Very Good Evidence”), mere invoices detailing the sale of the food at stake (“Good Evidence”) and magazine articles (“Supporting Evidence”). The main reason why FSA and FFS considered the evidence not up to standards was because invoices demonstrating sales of monk fruit decoctions prior to1997 were missing. Also, the FSA considered that personal testimonies were inherently incapable of demonstrating a significant HoC without verification of an independent source.
Figure 2: Table 3 to the EC Guidance on Consumption to a Significant Degree
Revision procedure and disclosure of FSA decision making process
Guilin GFS did not agree and initiated a revision procedure before the UK High Court on 2 December 2022, for which the hearing took place on 29 February 2024. The beauty of this procedure is that it provides full disclosure on all relevant documentation leading up to the Decision, including internal FSA correspondence conducted by its Novel Food policy advisors, as well as input from the FSA Social Sciences Team. This is an independent expert team, providing strategic advice to FSA. Contrary to the Novel Food FSA policy advisors, the Social Sciences Team considered the qualitative and the quantitative studies of Guilin to be reliable and robust. The Social Sciences Team did have a few verification requests to FSA’s Novel Food policy officers. However, according to Judge Calver, FSA’s Novel Food policy officers placed these questions out of statistic context to which they relate to validate the conclusion they reached earlier. Also, FSA’s Novel Food policy officers did not ask clarification questions to Guilin GFS when they reached their conclusion that monk fruit concoctions should be considered novel within the UK. Strikingly enough, they even reached this conclusion before the official validation of the dossier.
Debate during revision procedure
Guilin GFS opposed the Decision based on three legal grounds.
(1) It is incorrect that evidentiary requirements of the test for novelty under the Novel Food Regulation could not be met in the absence of pre-1997 sales invoices and data.
(2) It is incorrect that personal testimonies were categorically incapable to demonstrate a significant HoC unless verified by independent source.
(3) It is incorrect that it was necessary to demonstrate that monk fruit was consumed “exclusively for food uses”.
In reply, the Agencies served four witness statements from Novel Food policy advisors to “elucidate the reasons for the Decision.” Justice Calver states that based on the fact that these statements were made 15 months after the Decision, these need to be carefully scrutinized as there is a temptation to bolster and rationalize the Decision under challenge. Evidence that goes beyond elucidation and clarification is not permitted. When evaluating the witness statements, Justice Calver concludes the following.
Ad (1) The Agencies applied Table 3 to the EC Guidance too rigidly. Instead of considering “the whole picture” of evidence submitted by Guilin GFS, the Agencies saw that according to Table 3 the study results submitted by Guilin GFS did not qualify as “Very Good Evidence” or “Good Evidence”. They have then classified them as amounting “only” to “supporting evidence” “as defined in the Guidance”. This sentence makes clear that the Agencies consider anything other than invoices pre-1997 to be an inferior type of evidence as a category, amounting only to supporting evidence, which is not sufficient in itself to demonstrate a significant HoC.
Ad (2) The Agencies erroneously take the view that the evidence submitted by Guilin GFS’s should have been independently verified. There is no such requirement in the law or in the EC Guidance. Furthermore, the studies handed in by Guilin GFS had been qualified as reliable and robust by the Social Sciences Team. Also, with respect to personal testimonies, it is hard to conceive how these should be verified by third parties. As rightfully pointed out by Guilin GFS, such a requirement would frequently render personal testimonies redundant.
As a result, Judge Calver accepts grounds (1) and (2) and he considers the Decision flawed at these points. Moreover, he does not accept the four witness statements, as they try to re-write the reasoning in the Decision, which cannot stand with the wording of that document itself.
Ad (3) Finally, Judge Calver rules that the Agencies misapplied the relevant test when stating in the Decision that it was necessary to demonstrate that monk fruit was consumed “exclusively for food uses. The fact that the evidence submitted by Guilin GFS demonstrated a mixed use of monk fruit, in addition to food uses also including plant based medicinal products and even toothpaste, does not preclude establishing food use prior to 1997 in the EU or in the UK.
As a result, the claim for judicial review succeeds, the Decision is quashed, and the Agencies are ordered to re-consider the Claimant’s application in the light of this judgement. We can now see in the press that the Irish Food Safety Authority is reconsidering the novel food status of monk fruit extract and also the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) has changed its stance regarding these products. The FSA now concludes that monk fruit concoctions are not a novel food, meaning that they can be used in food and beverages marketed in the UK. Reliable sources informed me that in the next weeks the Irish authorities – on behalf of the EU – are expected to issue a similar opinion to the UK.
Does this UK decision also apply for the EU?
In my opinion, this question should be answered positively. Rationale: according to the EC Guidance, an “established history of food use to a significant degree in at least one EU Member State is sufficient to exclude the food from the scope of Regulation (EU) 258/97.” The United Kingdom was an EU Member State during the period to which the evidence collected by Guilin GFS relates. The fact that Brexit occurred in 2020 does not change this. This also follows from the following statement in the EC Guidance: “The deadline 15 May 1997 is applicable to all Member States, irrespective from the date of accession to the EU.” By analogy, the same should apply in case of withdrawal of a Member State from the EU.
What can we learn from this decision?
In the first place, that it is a tough job to collect relevant evidence to establish a history of food use prior to 15 May 1997 in the EU (or the UK), especially since we are more and more moving away from this date. But it is doable. When looking at Guilin GFS, we can see that collecting product information, in combination with qualitative and quantitative data and affidavits can actually help to succeed in establishing such history of food use. Provided of course, you have a skilled lawyer at work to present your case. In the case at hand, the lawyers at work did an excellent job. One of these skilled lawyers is Brian Kelly, with whom I have been working together for more than 10 years now. Kudos to Brian!
Dutch sequels of Tofutown saga: Thou Shall Not Touch Dairy Names!
Posted: July 25, 2024 | Author: Karin Verzijden | Filed under: Advertising, alternative protein, Authors, Enforcement, Food, Information | Comments Off on Dutch sequels of Tofutown saga: Thou Shall Not Touch Dairy Names!On 23 July 2024 a Dutch Court ruled in summary relief proceedings that Upfield cannot use the name “roombeter” for a plant-based alternative for butter, as this is in violation of the Regulation establishing a common organization of the markets for agricultural products (“COM Regulation”). You should know that “roombeter” translates in English as a composition of “cream” and “better”, whereas “cream” is a reserved designation under the COM Regulation that can only be used for dairy products. Furthermore, “beter” is close to “boter”, being the Dutch designation for butter.
Facts of the case at hand
In the case at hand, Upfield markets a plant-based alternative for butter under the brand BLUE BAND and the product name ROOMBETER. The packaging of the product furthermore states “100 % plant-based alternative for butter” and “81 % less climate impact than butter”. The packaging itself consists of golden coloured paper that is also used for conventional butter in the Netherlands and it displays a curl of butter as shown below. The Dutch Dairy Association opposed the use of the product name ROOMBETER, as it is considered this a violation of the COM Regulation, as explained below.
Case before Dutch Advertisement Code Committee
Prior to this legal procedure , the Dutch Dairy Association had submitted a complaint regarding this product before the Dutch Advertisement Code Committee. This self-regulatory body ruled on March 21 last that the presentation of the product was misleading, since it could be understood to contain butter. The “e” in “beter” could be confused for an “o”, resulting in “boter”, which is Dutch for butter. And furthermore the golden coloured packaging added to the misleading character of the product. The topic of violation of the COM Regulation was left to civil law proceedings, as it exceeded the competence of the Committee.
Applicable legislation
Article 78.2 of the COM Regulation states that the definitions, designations and sales descriptions provided for in its Annex VII may be used in the Union only for the marketing of a product that conforms to the corresponding requirements laid down in that Annex. Annex VII contains, amongst other things, a product definition for milk and a list of milk products. It furthermore states that these designations may not be used for any other product than milk and milk products. The purpose of this provision is to protect dairy names from being used for non-dairy products.
You may recall that in its Tofutown decision back in 2017, the ECJ formulated a very strict prohibition of the use of diary names for non-dairy products (check out our blog on this case here). As a result of that prohibition, the use of the designation “Tofubutter” for a tofu-based product was in violation of the COM Regulation. As a general rule, the ECJ precluded the term ‘milk’ and the designations reserved by the COM Regulation exclusively for milk products from being used to designate a purely plant based product in marketing or advertising. This even applies if those terms are expanded upon by clarifying or descriptive terms indicating the plant origin of the product at issue
Arguments in favour of ROOMBETER
Upfield had argued it did not market its product under the designation ROOMBETER but under the designation BLUE BAND ROOMBETER. The brand BLUE BAND has been used for more than 100 years for margarine, so it is obvious for the consumer this is a plant-based product This is even strengthened by the Dutch translation of the designations “100 % plant-based alternative for butter” and “81 % less climate impact than butter”. So the name ROOMBETER does not designate, imply or suggest it is about a dairy product.
Court decision
The Court did not eat it. Instead, it very strictly applied the Tofutown doctrine, stating that a reserved designation under the COM Regulation cannot be used for a plant-based product. It went on to explain that if it is prohibited to use the designation “tofubutter” for a plant-based product, as it contains the reserved designation “butter”, for sure it is prohibited to use the designation “roombeter” for a plant-based product, as it contains another reserved designation under the COM Regulation. Also, the element “beter” (“better” in English) can hardly be perceived as a clarifying or descriptive term, as it does not refer (contrary to “tofu”) to a plant-based origin. In fact, its reference to plant-based origins can only be understood by those consumers who know the “skip the cow” ad or who further study the packaging of this product.
Upfield was therefore ordered to stop using the designation ROOMBETER within three months after the date of the legal decision.
Consequences of this decision
Should the conclusion of this decision be that any reference to dairy products should be meticulously avoided when marketing plant-based dairy replacements? This seems a very hard task, as manufacturers of these replacement products will want to indicate how their products can be used. Happily, this is not the case. It is still permitted to mention that your plant-based product is for instance a “yoghurt variation”, as this is perceived as a product explanation rather than a product designation. This is not in violation of the Tofutown doctrine and in line with a 2019 Dutch Supreme Court decision relating to a soy-based product marketed by Alpro. Advertising plant-based dairy alternatives nevertheless remains a delicate balancing act.
European harmonization probiotic claims possible? Here’s the latest.
Posted: April 24, 2024 | Author: Jasmin Buijs | Filed under: Advertising, Authors, Food, Food Supplements, Health claims, Information, Nutrition claims | Comments Off on European harmonization probiotic claims possible? Here’s the latest.The International Probiotics Association Europe (IPA Europe) is calling for harmonized use of the claim ‘probiotics’ in the EU. Aforementioned term is generally considered an unauthorized health claim under the EU Claims Regulation. Nevertheless, an increasing number of EU member states allows the use of this claim under certain conditions. This blogpost dives into the regulatory status of probiotic claims in different EU member states and the latest developments in this area.
When entering the keyword ‘probiotic’ in the EU Health Claims Register, one is confronted with over 100 rejected health claims. Over the past years, this has led to the question whether the term ‘probiotic’ should be allowed under certain conditions, and has resulted into divergent policies in different EU member states. To protect both the food industry (against unfair competition) and the consumer (against misleading information), these divergent policies are reason for IPA Europe to call for a harmonized framework.
Czech Republic, Northern Ireland and France
Although EU member states generally consider ‘probiotics’ to be an unauthorized health claim under the EU Claims Regulation, some EU member states take a different approach. ‘Probiotics’ is for example considered a nutrition claim in the Czech Republic. Such claim is allowed if the conditions set forth in the EU Claims Regulation are met. This means, amongst others, that the good bacteria in question are present in the food in an amount that, according to generally accepted scientific evidence, causes the claimed beneficial effect. By contrast, in France and Northern Ireland, the term ‘probiotics’ can be used as a general, non-specific health claim that is allowed in combination with the authorized health claim “live cultures in yoghurt or fermented milk improve lactose digestion of the product in individuals who have difficulty digesting lactose”.
Italy takes the view that the term ‘probiotics’ does not meet the definition of a health claim and therefore falls outside the scope of the EU Claims Regulation. Italy supports this view by EFSA’s conclusion that probiotic colonization in the intestinal flora (without further specification of bacterial species or strains) is insufficient evidence to substantiate a beneficial effect on human health. In other words, no link between probiotics and health can be demonstrated, for which reason ‘probiotics’ cannot be considered a health claim. Aforementioned reasoning is however not a free pass to unconditionally use the term ‘probiotics’ in Italy. Instead, the following conditions must be met if and when using this term: (i) safety for human consumption, (ii) a history of use for the benefit of the intestinal flora, and (iii) presence of the relevant bacteria in the food in live form and in an adequate quantity until end of shelf life.
Denmark and Spain
In Denmark, the term ‘probiotics’ can be used based on a different legal ground, namely as a mandatory category designation under the EU Food Supplements Directive. In France, such is also possible. Indeed, Article 6(3)(a) of the EU Food Supplements Directive requires that the labeling of the food supplement shall bear “the names of the categories of nutrients or substances that characterize the product or an indication of the nature of those nutrients or substances”. In Spain, the claim ‘probiotics’ is allowed thanks to the principle of mutual recognition. Based on this principle, a product lawfully marketed in one EU member state must also be accepted on the market of another EU member state. Since probiotic claims are therefore allowed on the Spanish market for products from other EU member states, banning the term ‘probiotics’ at national level would discriminate against national producers. Therefore, both food products produced within Spain and those produced outside of the country can bear the claim ‘probiotics’.
In the Netherlands – just like in Denmark and France – the term ‘probiotics’ can be used as a category designation for food supplements. This Dutch practice is laid down in the Guideline Document on the EU Claims Regulation by the Dutch Health Advertising Knowledge and Advice Council (in Dutch: Keuringsraad). An earlier version of the Nutrition and Health Claims Manual by the Dutch Food Safety Authority (in Dutch: NVWA Handboek Voedings- en Gezondheidsclaims) also explicitly mentioned this possibility. Such is now longer mentioned in the latest version of the Nutrition and Health Claims Manual, which can be explained by the fact that ‘probiotics’ as a category designation for food supplements is not a nutrition or health claim.
Although claims that further elaborate on the health effect of probiotics (sporadically) occur on the Dutch (online) market, these are not allowed. Whether the expression “increases the good bacteria in the intestinal flora” (without using the term ‘probiotics’) is acceptable in the Netherlands, is yet unclear. Yakult uses this expression to advertise its fermented milk drink. The Dutch Health Advertising Knowledge and Advice Council would not allow this expression in the context of its preventive supervision in the context of food supplements, because this expression in effect creates a link between the food product and health. If the NVWA has however a different opinion on this and does consider aforementioned expression possible, then other food businesses can take advantage of this too. The call for harmonized uses of the term ‘probiotics’ by IPA Europe, about which more below, can possibly contribute to the acceptance of such expression at national level.
”Probiotics’ not a health claim”
As demonstrated above, various EU member states have introduced national rules on the use of the term ‘probiotics’. As a result, IPA Europe believes that the European Commission’s position that ‘probiotics’ implies a health benefit and is therefore a(n unauthorized) health claim no longer holds water. Instead, IPA Europe advocates qualifying the claim ‘contains probiotics’ as a nutrition claim, just like ‘contains vitamins and minerals’ and ‘contains fiber’. Aforementioned substances may have beneficial nutritional properties, but no specific health benefit is claimed. To strengthen its argument that ‘probiotics’ is not a health claim, IPA Europe explains that the term is not sufficiently precise to substantiate the claimed health benefit under reference to an EFSA guidance document published in 2016.
Call for harmonized use of the term ‘probiotics’
According to IPA Europe, ‘probiotics’ is therefore not a health claim and does not require authorization under the EU Claims Regulation. At the same time, it emphasizes the need for clear rules on the use of the claim as this contributes to a fair competitive environment for food businesses and helps consumers to make informed choices. In December 2023, IPA Europe therefore called for a clearly defined framework for the use of the term ‘probiotics’ in the EU. IPA Europe recommends the following four criteria for consistent use thereof:
- characterization of the species level and identification of at strain level;
- the probiotic strain must be safe for the intended use, e.g. based on the QPS list;
- the probiotic status should be scientifically documented; and
- the probiotic strains must be alive in the product and in a sufficient amount up to the end of shelf-life.
Final comment
The EU knows a fragmented regulatory landscape when it comes to the use of the term ‘probiotics’. Despite IPA Europe’s efforts for a harmonized approach throughout the EU, we will need European legislation or a ruling from the European Court of Justice to have the same rules in all EU member states. For now, the term ‘probiotics’ is (fortunately) not completely banned in the Netherlands and neither in quite a few other EU Member States.
This blogpost has also been published in Dutch at
New Genomic Techniques: threat or opportunity?
Posted: October 23, 2023 | Author: Karin Verzijden | Filed under: Authors, Food, New Genomic Techniques, organic | Comments Off on New Genomic Techniques: threat or opportunity?Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) do not generally receive a warm welcome from the average EU citizen. Possibly this is a case of ‘unknown makes unloved’. But GMOs can also bring positive things, for example, in the field of plant breeding. This summer, the European Commission published a proposal for an NGT Regulation. What exactly does this proposal entail and what are the expected consequences in practice? And how was this proposal received by the European Parliament in its draft report of 16 October last in the first reading of the legislative procedure?
Potential benefits GMOs and reluctance
GMOs can help develop plants that are more drought tolerant or less susceptible to certain fungi. This reduces the need for pesticides in cultivation, precisely one of the objectives of the EU Farm-to-Fork strategy that the Commission published at the beginning of its mandate in May 2020. At the same time, in the Netherlands the proposal for the NGT Regulation prompted Odin, Demeter, Ekoplaza and Greenpeace, among others, to start a petition calling for “Keep our food genetically modified free.” (in Dutch: Houd ons voedsel gentech vrij). At the time of writing this blogpost, the petition counts 47.709 signatories.
Scope of application NGT Regulation
The intended Regulation applies to NGT plants and to NGT products, meaning food and feed containing or consisting of or produced from NGT plants and other products containing or consisting of such plants. NGT plants are obtained from the following two genomic techniques or a combination thereof:
- Targeted mutagenesis: this is a technique that results in changes to the DNA sequence at precise locations in an organism’s genome;
- Cisgenesis: this is a technique that results in the insertion, into the genome of an organism, of genetic material already present in the total genetic information of that organism or another taxonomic species with which it can be crossed.
In essence, NGTs are genomic techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9. These techniques result in more targeted genomic modifications than older genomic techniques, which often involve the introduction of heterologous genetic material. The European Commission therefore recognizes that any risks associated with the use of NGTs are lower than those associated with older genetic techniques. This is what the risk assessment in the draft Regulation specifically addresses.
Two specific regulatory regimes for category 1 and category 2 NGT plants
- Category 1 NGT plants: these plants are considered equivalent to conventionally bred plants based on the criteria in Annex I
of the NGT Regulation and as such do not need to undergo complete GMO risk assessment. Instead, a notification to a national GMO authority or to EFSA is sufficient;
- Category 2 NGT plants: these plants are considered as GMOs and as such are subject to the GMO rules for authorization, traceability and labeling, however according to a modified system of more targeted risk analysis.
In addition to NGT plants, these regulations also apply to NGT products: that includes foods with ingredients made from such plants. This is why this proposed Regulation is so relevant for innovative food business operators.
As mentioned above, for category 1 NGT plants, a notification procedure takes place and for category 2 NGT plants a full swing risk assessment. Both procedures involve a substantive assessment of whether plant material produced using targeted genetic techniques complies with the specifically developed rules for risk assessment. It is expected that the procedure for category 1 NGT products can be completed within a year, while the permit process for category 2 NGT foods is actually identical to that for regular GMOs. An innovation is that the NGT Regulation provides certain incentives for specific category 2 NGT foods that should speed up or simplify the assessment process.
Transparency regarding genetic engineering
Producers of organic products and advocacy organizations are concerned that, based on the NGT Regulation, genetically engineered food is walking into stores undetected. But is this concern justified? Based on the current text of this Regulation, both category 2 and even category 1 NGT products are excluded from organic production. Indeed, in the consultation process leading up to the NGT Regulation, the freedom of choice of consumers to buy food containing or not containing GMOs appeared to be an important issue. At the same time, the European Parliament considers the prohibition for organic farmers to use conventional-like category 1 NGT’s neither science-based, nor politically justifiable. It therefore calls in its draft report to create a fair level playing field and to only ban category 2 NGT plant material from organic production.
Category 1 NGT products listed in public database?
Whether or not allowed in organic production, there is no specific labeling requirement for Category 1 NGT products (Q 11 from EC Q&A). However, plant material with Category 1 NGT status must be included in a public database, expected to be similar to the Novel Food consultation database. In the Commisson’s proposal, plant reproduction material with Category 1 NGT status must additionally be labeled as such, with the identification number of the plant from which it is derived. At the level of production, this would provide an extra safeguard for distinguishing between conventionally grown crops and crops in which genetic engineering has been used. The European Parliament is however critical about this additional requirement in its draft report. It considers such discriminatory since category 1 NGT plants are conventional-like. According to the European Parliament, transparency and consumer choice are sufficiently ensured by disclosure in a public database. Therefore, even if the modifications proposed by the European Parliament will stand, there is no reason to believe that foods produced using CRISPR-Cas9 could go completely unnoticed.
With current changes in climate and constraints on available agricultural land with a growing world population, plant harvests will come under increasing pressure. NGTs are expected to meet the need to better equip plants for such challenges. The proposed NGT Regulation aims to simplify and thereby accelerate market access for such technology. For category 1 NGT products, except for a few open ends, this premise seems feasible in practice. A huge improvement with respect to current legislation is that the nature of the genetic change is decisive for risk evaluation, not the technique by which it is produced (product-based vs. process-based approach). For category 2 NGT products, market access is not expected to become much simpler based on the current proposal. Nevertheless, this proposal looks hopeful for plant innovations and thus for our food products of tomorrow. Also, there seems to be sufficient transparency to distinguish between crops produced with and without genetic engineering. My very bald hope would be that based on positive experiences with this regulation, the scope of this regulation will be extended to other fields, such as cellular agriculture and/or fermentation-based products. We will continue to follow closely how this legislation will develop.
Source images
- How CRISPR works: EU Parliament briefing on Plants produced by new genomic techniques
- Category 1 NGT plants: PPT DG Santé on Farm to Fork Strategy presented during EFFL Conference on 19 October 2023.
- Category 2 NGT plants: idem (2)
Thanks to my colleagues Jasmin Buijs and Max Baltussen for their valuable feed-back.
First ECJ ruling on current Novel Food Regulation
Posted: June 21, 2023 | Author: Karin Verzijden | Filed under: Authors, Food, novel food | Comments Off on First ECJ ruling on current Novel Food RegulationOn May 25, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled in a dispute arising between two manufacturers of food supplements. This is the first decision on the interpretation of the current Novel Food Regulation (applicable since Jan. 1, 2018). The dispute concerned the method of production of the functional ingredient spermidine. The dispute was hoped to clarify the question of what exactly a “new production process” under the Novel Food Regulation entails. The decision follows a request from a court in Austria, where this answer was needed to resolve a national dispute. This answer is also relevant to other countries, as the Novel Food Regulation applies EU-wide.
Why do people consume spermidine?
Spermidine supplementation takes place with a view to supporting cellular autophagy, or cell renewal. This could promote the prevention of cardiovascular disease, prevent food allergies, and control the symptoms of diabetes. It has even been suggested that spermidine could extend human lifespan by 5 to 7 years. So says Advocate General (A-G) Campos Sánchez-Bordona in his opinion on the case dated Jan. 19 this year, citing various scientific sources (see footnotes 12 and 13 of this opinion). The A-G is an important advisor to the ECJ, which generally follows his or her opinions.
Background to this dispute.
The dispute in Austria was brought by The Longevitiy Labs (TLL), which markets the spermidine supplement spermidineLIFE. TLL extracts spermidine from ungerminated wheat germs through a complex and expensive chemical process. TTL applied for and obtained an EU Novel Food authorization for this food product (see Union List, entry “spermidine-rich wheat germ extract“). Then competitor Optimize Health Solutions enters the market with its own spermidine supplement. This is produced using a much simpler and therefore cheaper production process based on hydroponic cultivation of buckwheat seeds in an aqueous solution with synthetic spermidine. After harvesting the seedlings are washed in water, dried and milled to obtain flour. TLL believes that Optimize Health also needs a Novel Food authorization to market its product. It instituted proceedings seeking an injunction against further marketing of Optimize Health’s product without such an authorization.
Optimize Health argues it does not need a Novel Food authorization, because its product is not covered by the Novel Food Regulation. It is a fully dried traditional food obtained without any selective novel extraction method. Furthermore, it states spermidine has been available in food supplements in the EU market for more than 25 years. The germination of the buckwheat seeds of which its product is made would be a primary production process, to which the EU Hygiene Regulation applies, not the Novel Food Regulation. Furthermore, the Novel Food Regulation does not apply because its product involves “plants prior to harvesting” and these do not count as food under the EU General Food Law Regulation. The Austrian court decided that clarification of European law was needed to resolve this dispute and referred five questions to the ECJ.
Questions from the Austrian referring court
National judges who refer questions to the ECJ usually go for as many anchors as possible and thinking three steps ahead. If a possible answer by the ECJ to one question leads to a follow-up question by the inquiring national court, that follow-up question will be submitted upfront as well. The downside of this system is that if answering the first question is the end of the matter, answering the remaining questions is no longer needed. That is what we call procedural economy. In summary, the referring Austrian court asks the following questions:
- Should a food consisting of flour from buckwheat seeds with a high spermidine content be qualified as Novel Food in the category “foods isolated from (parts of) plants?”
- If not, might it be a Novel Food because a new production process has been used and does that term include primary production processes?
- If it is a novel production process, does it matter whether that process was not applied at all or only not applied to spermidine?
- If primary production processes are not covered by the term “new production process”, is it correct that the process of germinating buckwheat seeds in a nutrient solution containing spermidine is not covered by the Novel Food Regulation because it does not apply to plants prior to harvesting?
- Does it make a difference whether the nutrient solution contains natural or synthetic spermidine?
Decision of the ECJ
The ECJ answers question 1 – be it with some reservation – in the affirmative. Optimize Health’s product is a Novel Food because there is no evidence that this product was used for human consumption to any significant degree within the EU before 1997. This short answer is somewhat disappointing, as it makes answering the remaining questions irrelevant. Still, the ECJ does share two interesting considerations regarding the current Novel Food Regulation. It points out that the concept of “history of safe use within the Union” is not defined with respect to Novel Foods that must undergo the full authorization process. However, it is defined with respect to traditional foods from third countries. These are products that have been used as food outside the EU for considerable time, such as chia seeds. These products are subject to the requirement that the safety of the food has been confirmed by compositional data and experience of continued use for at least 25 years in the usual diet of a significant number of people in at least one third country. The ECJ finds that this requirement must be applied by analogy to the spermidine in question and concludes that said data have not been provided.
Propagation methods vs. complete production process
Another consideration of the ECJ concerns the Novel Food category of “food isolated from (parts of) plants”. An exception applies to products made by non-traditional propagation methods, which do not result in significant changes in the composition or structure of the food in question. The ECJ ruled that a distinction must be made between:
(1) propagation processes of which the purpose is to produce new plants; and
(2) processes involving the entire production process of a food product.
The process applied to Optimize Health’s product to achieve a high spermidine content falls into the second category. In other words, a manufacturing technique to enrich a product is not the same as a propagation technique. The ECJ instructs the Austrian court to take this into account when deciding the case at the national level. This reduces the likelihood that the exception to the Novel Food category above will apply and puts the ECJ’s reservation into perspective. Good chance, therefore, that the Austrian national court will indeed determine that Optimize Health’s product is a Novel Food.
New production procedure according to the A-G
With the above answer, the question of the Austrian court has been answered and the ECJ does not get to the remaining four questions. It is of course unfortunate that we will not know the ECJ’s decision on this. Therefore, it is interesting to see how the A-G ruled on this. Well: according to the A-G, enriching buckwheat seeds with spermidine should be considered a new production process. He argues that bio-enrichment with spermidine changes the composition and nutritional value of the buckwheat seeds flour. Indeed, its spermidine content becomes 106 times higher than that of un-enriched buckwheat seeds. The A-G cites studies according to which a higher spermidine content may be beneficial to health, but which also indicate that too high an amount of spermidine could be harmful to cells.
The A-G therefore concludes that prior authorization of Optimize Health’s product is indispensable to ensure food safety and avoid risks to consumers. He also refers to products such as selenium-enriched mushrooms and mushrooms treated with ultraviolet light after harvest to increase their vitamin D2 content, where such authorization has also taken place. Furthermore, the A-G argues that the effects and thus the safety of a new production process should be assessed in each individual case and thus not in general. The same production process may affect one foodstuff differently from another.
This spermidine case clarifies the criterion that should be applied to determine whether a food has a history of safe use in the EU and thus qualifies or not as Novel Food. By the way, this is not entirely new – there has already been a guidance document from the European Commission “Human Consumption to a Significant Degree” since 1997 that argues essentially the same thing. However, when this judgment is considered in conjunction with the A-G’s opinion, it does provide relevant new information for determining how to establish whether there is a new production process.
This is the case if it is established that an applied process significantly alters the composition and nutritional value of a foodstuff compared to a foodstuff to which such a process has not been applied. Thus, in such a case, a food must obtain authorization under the Novel Food Regulation. The A-G recognizes that the question whether it is relevant if the production process has been previously applied to any foodstuff (rather than to the foodstuff specifically) cannot simply be answered based on the legal text. So that requires interpretation of the specific article of the Novel Food Regulation on new production processes in the light of its context and purpose. For now, we do not yet know whether the ECJ supports his interpretation. Hopefully we will find out in another case. It does sound plausible to me.
The FIC Regulation is due for renewal: How consumers can make healthy and sustainable food choices
Posted: April 21, 2023 | Author: Jasmin Buijs | Filed under: Authors, Food, Information | Comments Off on The FIC Regulation is due for renewal: How consumers can make healthy and sustainable food choicesThe ‘farm to fork’ strategy calls for better communication to consumers about healthy and sustainable foods. To make this happen, EU legislation on food information to consumers is currently being revised.
The revision of the FIC Regulation covers front-of-pack nutrition labeling, establishment of nutrient profiles, origin labeling and date marking (‘best before’ / ‘use by’). The revision as prompted by the ‘farm-to-table’ strategy further relates to the labeling of alcoholic beverages, as announced in the European Cancer Control Plan.
Need for change
Our daily nutritional intake in Europe is not in line with national and international dietary recommendations. This leads to diet-related chronic diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, with all kinds of consequences. According to the European Commission, this is partly because current labeling rules do not provide sufficient guidance for consumers to choose healthy foods.
Various proposals
As part of the legislative process, the European Commission published a so-called ‘Impact Assessment‘ at the end of 2020. The Impact Assessment sets out the labeling rules that need adjustment, and the different options for amendment as proposed by the European Commission. The Impact Assessment for tightened regulations on alcoholic beverages labeling was published later, in the summer of 2021. Below we discuss which changes to the FIC Regulation are proposed in the Impact Assessments and why, and touch upon the options presented for each topic. Later this year, the European Commission will follow up with a proposal for an amended regulation.
FOP labeling
Consumers do not always understand the nutritional information on packaging, which makes it difficult to choose healthy foods. To help consumers making better decisions, there are all kinds of voluntary initiatives for clear front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition labeling. Examples include the much discussed Nutri-Score, but also other initiatives such as the traffic light system (UK), the keyhole (Scandinavia) and the battery (Italy). However, these diverse FOP logos do not necessarily help European consumers as they do not provide equal access to information. The European Commission is concerned that this could lead to fragmentation of the single market, costs for food companies operating in several member states, and confusion among consumers. Harmonizing FOP logos and making them mandatory or not, are options on the table.
Another proposed change concerns nutrition and health claims on unhealthy products. For example, consider the claim “source of fiber” for biscuits and “rich in vitamin C” for soft drinks. Such claims obscure the unhealthy profiles of these products, which leads to ‘health washing’ (term as introduced by the Dutch consumer association, see here). Nutrient profiles, i.e. thresholds for fats, sugars and/or salt above which the use of nutrition or health claims is restricted, could provide a solution to this. Such thresholds could help preventing consumer deception and create a level playing field for food companies. According to the Claims Regulation, nutrient profiles should already have been established as early as 2009, but this never materialized due to intense debate on the matter. The revision of the FIC Regulation revitalized this discussion. Based on stakeholder feedback on the Impact Assessment, the time seems ripe for change now.
Origin labeling
There is a growing demand from consumers to know the origin of food products. This allows consumers to make more sustainable choices, such as by choosing local products. Origin labeling is already mandatory for certain types of meat, among others. In the absence of harmonized rules regarding other food categories, a number of member states developed national rules for this purpose. Rules differentiating from member state to member state however lead to unequal access to information within the EU and fragments the internal market. The European Commission is therefore investigating whether and, if so, how, European rules on origin labeling could be further extended. This could mean an expansion of the product groups for which origin indication is required. Current discussions also include the production phase to which the indication should refer and the area size referred to (EU / non-EU, or e.g. country or regional level).
Date marking
We currently have two types of date marking. Whereas ‘use by’ refers to the expiry date for food safety reasons, ‘best before’ refers to the date by which the food retains its optimum quality. After this date, color variations may occur, for example, but the product is still safe to eat. The Impact Assessment states that less than one in two consumers understand the meaning of the two date markings. As a result, a lot of food ends up in the waste bin unnecessarily. By estimate 10% of the 88 million tons of food that is wasted annually is linked to date marking. In the context of improving sustainability by reducing food waste, the Impact Assessment presents options to educate consumers about date marking. It also suggests the possibility of removing the ‘best before’ quality date where this has little or no added value.
Labeling of alcoholic beverages
Health damage from alcohol is a serious public health issue in the EU. To reduce alcohol consumption, it is important to inform consumers about what is actually in alcoholic beverages, both in terms of ingredients and nutrients. Currently, this is not mandatory for alcoholic beverages with an alcohol volume above 1.2%. Having said that, there are various initiatives for better information provision on alcohol, such as self-regulation within the beer and spirits sectors. To create a level playing field for operators, the European Commission communicated among others a proposal to remove the aforementioned labeling exception for all alcoholic beverages. Some of the then required information could be communicated off-label via a QR code.
Follow-up steps
Interested parties were able to share feedback with the European Commission after the publication of the two Impact Assessments. To further prepare the legislative proposal, a public consultation took place from 13 December 2021 to 7 March 2022. This process was designed to gather further views, experiences and suggestions on food labeling from stakeholders. As many as 3224 citizens, companies, interest groups, public authorities and other parties filled out the questionnaire made available for this purpose. A large proportion of respondents expressed their support for a harmonized FOP logo, as well as for improved terminology or a visual presentation of date marking. The European Commission’s legislative proposal is expected later this year.
This blogpost has also been published in Dutch at The author thanks Marie-Claire Evers for her translation of this blogpost into English.
EU Harmonized food packaging legislation is speeding up
Posted: January 3, 2023 | Author: Jasmin Buijs | Filed under: Authors, Food | Comments Off on EU Harmonized food packaging legislation is speeding upLast October, AXON contributed to the 16th European Food and Feed Law Conference by a session on circular economy, waste, packaging law, alternative materials, and the Single-Use Plastics (SUP) Directive. While we were back then still waiting for proposals by the European Commission on packaging (waste) and bioplastics, these long-awaited proposals have now been published. This blogpost discusses the main take-aways from these recent European proposals and provides deeplinks to the texts involved.
Packaging problem
Packaging plays without a doubt a very important role in the placing on the market of food. It protects and preserves food, and therefore contributes to increased shelf life and reduced amounts of food waste. It also offers a way to communicate food information to the consumer. At the same time, packaging, just like anything else we create, leaves an impact on the environment. As communicated in the Green Deal, it is the EU’s ambition to lower our amount of packaging waste as part of the green transition.
In a search to meet the EU’s goals for a circular economy and climate-neutrality by 2050, bio-plastics are emerging on the market as alternatives for conventional plastics. Bio-plastics can bring several advantages such as making packaging production less dependent on fossil fuels and reducing litter as they may dissolve over time. Their use is however not without challenges as discussed in an earlier blogpost. To improve the understanding around these materials and to clarify where bio-plastics can bring genuine environmental benefits, the European Commission recently published a Communication towards other EU bodies on a policy framework for bio-plastics. As is already clear from existing rules on environmental claims, the Commission stresses that generic claims on packaging such as ‘bio-plastic’ should be avoided to stay away from greenwashing and misleading consumers. It furthermore proposes to only label bio-plastic packaging and other products as ‘biobased’, ‘biodegradable’ or ‘compostable’ when it meets certain conditions. The main take-aways for businesses are as follows:
- specify the exact and measurable share of biobased plastic content in the packaging; and
- ensure that the biomass is sustainably sourced – priority should be given to the use of organic waste or by-products rather than to primary biomass.
- specify that biodegradable packaging should not be littered;
- do not label products covered under the SUP Directive (the scope of which we discussed in more detail here and here) and other short-lived applications and/or litter-prone packaging as biodegradable; and
- specify how long the product needs to biodegrade, under which circumstances and in what environment.
- label only industrially compostable plastics that comply with relevant standards – the Commission will request the revision of the European Standard EN 13432:2000 for this purpose;
- use industrially compostable plastics only if the environmental benefits are higher than their alternatives and if they do not have a negative impact on the quality of the compost, taking into account consumer behavior; and
- specify the way in which the packaging should be disposed of using pictograms.
The Communication on bio-plastics refers, where relevant, to the Commission proposal for a Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). The aforementioned proposal was also published at the end of last year and is discussed next.
Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
Before diving into the Commission’s proposal for a PPWR, it is useful to provide some background on the legal framework for packaging waste as guided by the Waste Framework Directive (WFD).
The WFD (currently under revision) introduces the waste hierarchy for waste management, which establishes an order of the preferred disposing route. Waste should in the first place be prevented/reduced. If this is not possible, re-use and thereafter recycling options should be looked into. Only in case this is (or is no longer) an option, energy recovery through incineration or ultimately landfill disposal should be considered. To reduce waste, the WFD also introduces the polluter pays principle and the extended producer responsibility, based on which the waste producer bears financial and/or organizational responsibility for the management of the waste stage at the end of a product’s life cycle.
The proposal for the PPWR is the Commission’s answer to the revision of the current Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD), which focuses on reducing, re-using and recycling packaging. The choice of legal instrument (a regulation rather than a directive) should facilitate a harmonized approach across the various EU Member States. The Regulation is however not an easy read. Although it contains only 65 legal articles, it includes many exceptions to the measures it proposes. For companies that want to get a feel of what to expect, we therefore compiled a list of the most important topics addressed in the Commission’s proposal for the PPWR.
- Requirements for packaging to be recyclable. From 2030, all packaging will have to be ‘designed for recycling’ in accordance with state-of-the-art collection, sorting and recycling processes. As of 2035, packaging must be ‘recycled at scale’, meaning that packaging must be sufficiently and effectively collected, sorted and recycled in practice. Further details on the design for recycling and recycling at scale requirements shall follow by delegated acts adopted by the Commission.
- Minimum amount of recycled plastic content. From 2030, plastic packaging shall contain certain minimum amounts (depending on the type of packaging) of recycled plastic content. These amounts shall further increase by 2040. Instructions as to the methodology for the calculation and verification of the percentage of recycled content will follow by an implementing act. Where information on the recycled content is communicated on the packaging, harmonized labels shall be used for such.
- Mandatory industrial composability for certain packaging. Think of coffee and tea bags or other units, sticky labels attached to fruit and vegetables, and very lightweight plastic carrier bags. The list of packaging that need to be industrially compostable may be extended in future. Packaging that could have been designed as re-usable shall not be presented as compostable.
- Sorting instructions. Labels with information on the material composition shall be applied on packaging to help consumers identifying the appropriate disposal route.
- Rules on re-use and refill. Certain economic operators in the take-away and beverage sector will be subject to targets on re-use and refill. Re-usable packaging must fulfill a set of criteria, including being part of a system for re-use. Information facilitating re-use must be provided on the packaging via a QR code or otherwise. In case of products offered through refill, end-consumers shall be provided with information to ensure safe and hygienic use of the product.
- Increased rules for manufacturers to demonstrate compliance. Manufacturers manufacturing packaging under their own name or trademark, or having packaging designed or manufactured for use with their products, are subject to increased rules to demonstrate compliance with the PPWR. Where a manufacturer is supplied with packaging or packaging materials from a third party, such supplier must provide the manufacturer with all information necessary to demonstrate conformity.
- New roles of economic operators. A system of checks & balances is introduced by giving authorized representatives, importers and distributors specific verification tasks to ensure packaging is placed on the market in accordance with the PPWR.
- Harmonized criteria for modulated extended producer responsibility fees. Financial contributions to be paid by producers (those making available packaging for the first time in the EU under their own name of trademark) to take responsibility for the management of packaging at their end-of-life shall be modulated based on the recyclability of the packaging and the presence of recycled plastic content.
- Reduced empty space in e-commerce and other packaging. The weight and volume of packaging shall be minimized as much as possible. The ratio of empty space in e-commerce and other pre-defined packaging in relation to the packaged product(s) shall not exceed 40%.
- Prohibition on packaging in certain formats and for certain purposes. This mainly concerns certain single-use applications such as in the HORECA sector and for small amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables. The list of prohibited packaging is presented in Annex V to the proposed PPWR and can be amended by delegated act.
- A deposit-return system for single-use plastic beverage bottles and beverage cans. Where these systems do not yet exist for packaging up to 3 liters, such shall be implemented by 2029. For other packaging, Member States are encouraged to voluntarily set up deposit-return or other systems to enable re-use or refill.
Take-away for businesses
As follows from the above, EU food packaging legislation is currently under revision: sustainable packaging will be the new norm. Although the Communication is not and the proposal for the PPWR is not yet binding law, companies involved with food packaging are advised to take the published information serious and to prepare for the enactment of official legislation. This does not only mean staying up-to-date with upcoming legal requirements applicable to the business at stake, but also being ready to involve and control partners in the supply chain through (revised) legal contracts.